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Posted: May 23 2007

 Anomalocardia cuneimeris (Conrad, 1846), Pointed Venus

The following color forms are from Kawanis Island, Banana River Lagoon, Brevard County, Florida.

Posted: May 4 2013, Harry Lee:

Marlo gives the impression that "Anomalocardia auberiana (d'Orbigny, 1842)" is unavailable when he subordinates it to A. cuneimeris (Conrad, 1846), apparently described four years later.

The fact is that the time-honored "1842" date is incorrect; the d'Orbigny description wasn't published until 1853 (277; pl. 26, figs. 35-37). The reason for Conrad's name having precedence is strictly chronologic priority.

d'Orbigny, A., "1842" [1853]. Mollusques. Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2. Arthus Bertrand, Paris. [iv] + 225-380 + pls. 26-28(?).

Anomalocardia cuneimeris 10.jpg
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