Posted: Jun 1 2015
Callucina keenae Chavan in Cox et al., 1971, Docinia-like Lucine

Posts from LTS forum:
Susan J. Hewitt:
I found a few rather worn valves of this species on Sanibel in December 2014. I donated them to the collection of the Bailey Matthews National Shell Museum.
Here is a recent observation of a much fresher valve from Santa Rosa County, Florida:
Harry Lee:
I've found this common and lackluster species stranded on Sea Island, GA and a dozen or so FL beaches from Nassau to Franklin Cos. Off NE FL it occurs in depths to at least 85 feet (Lee, 2009, 25; sp. no. 71).
The species comes with a rather interesting nomenclatorial and bibliographic backstory. Known for over a century by the descriptive cognomen Lucina radians (Conrad, 1841), it was found to be sufficiently distinct from the type species of Lucina* to warrant generic recognition; Dall (1901) proposed the genus-level taxon Callucina with L. radians as its monotype.
Years later, in the errata to a passage in an earlier volume in the series (Cox, Newell, et al. in Moore, R. C., 1969: N492), one of the authors of that earlier portion of the masterwork, André Chavan (in Cox, Newell, et al. in Moore, R. C., 1971: N1215), pointed out that the name he and his collaborators gave as the type species of the genus Callucina Dall, 1901, Lucina radians Conrad, 1841, was permanently invalid as it was a primary junior homonym of L. radians Bory de St. Vincent, 1824. Chavan provided a replacement name, Callilucina [sic; error pro Callucina] keenae, which, I guess, could be cited as Callucina keenae Chavan in Cox, Newell, et al., in Moore (ed.) 1971.
The reason I use "Cox, Newell, et al." rather than "Cox et al." is that all the subsequent 23 (yes; 25 in all!) authors are listed in alphabetical order, beginning with Boyd and ending with Weir. In my interpretation, this indicates that the late Norman D. Newell provided more to the authorship enterprise than the other 23. Whether he was on the same level as L. R. Cox, who had died before the time of publication as indicated by an obelisk (dagger) next to his name, is conjectural.
* The type species of Lucina Bruguière, 1797 had been cussed and discussed for a century and a half. Pursuant to a petition by Keen (1972), the ICZN responded definitively, albeit with even more than its its customary delay [Opinion 109 (ICZN, 1977)], and bestowed that exalted status on Venus pensylvanica Linnaeus, 1758; see LTS treatment. The sage and prescient Dall was of the same opinion 76 years earlier.
Partial bibliography:
Lee, H.G., 2009. Marine Shells of Northeast Florida. Jacksonville Shell Club, Inc. 204 pp. + 19 color plates. 28 May.
Moore, R. C. (ed.), 1969. Treatise on invertebrate paleontology Part N. Mollusca 6. Bivalvia. vols. 1 and 2. Geological Society of America & Univ. Kansas Press, Boulder, CO and Lawrence KS, xxxviii + pp. N1-N952.
Moore, R. C. (ed.), 1971. Treatise on invertebrate paleontology Part N. Mollusca 6. Bivalvia. vol. 3. Geological Society of America & Univ. Kansas Press, Boulder, CO and Lawrence KS, iv + pp. N953-N1224.