Posted: Aug 15 2009
Papyridea lata (Born, 1778), Broad Paper Cockle

Posts from LTS forum:
G. Thomas Watters, PhD, Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology The Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity, volunteered that
"(In) my collection I have lata up to Ft. Walton in the Gulf and to Myrtle Beach (South Carolina) in the Atlantic."
Jun 18 2012, Susan J. Hewitt:
Papyridea lata does occur on the Gulf Coast of Florida at Sanibel Island. It is not common there, but I found a couple of valves on my first visit there last December, and I know at least two other people who have found valves there also. I have viewed their material, so I can confirm it is the correct identification.
Have you seen floridas seashells a beachcombers guide by Blair and dawn witherington. It only listed p.sole thou I felt that the authors didn't work Atlantic side well as they left out a lot of shells thou most are rare but I have found Atlantic carrier shell and green star shell.i also uses encyclopedia of Texas seashells identification ecology distribution and history thou it missed Atlantic and West Indies only shells and tend to be biased toward certain subspecies.
Look like p.lata have been on the increase past few years to me. I rate them as uncommon on fort st.pierce beaches. They are one of the few shells I have noticed that regularly wash up on beach at the highest tide edge which while storms can be among the foremost dune grasses. That's why I think most beachcombers missed them.
So far I have found 21 in the past few years on beaches from mineral absorb tan and blue to varying degree. White background on outside with pink and brown being the most common color on the fresher shells with only a few lacking pink. Yellow and tan appear to a lesser degree. That's the subspecies I have seen so far for treasure coast so far