After posting presentation on Dec 10, 2010, Marlo posted on Conch-L:
"When I posted about B. exustus I indicated I had no B. modiolus for comparison. Thanks to John Wolffe for loaning specimens to permit me to address this shell.
Although B. modiolus is supposedly found from North Carolina to Florida, I do not have any first-hand collecting records outside the Florida Keys. I would like to hear from anyone with first-hand collecting records for this shell along the Atlantic coast or Florida’s west coast. Bailey-Matthews Museum does report one beach shell found on Sanibel Isl."
Everett Long of the North Carolina Shell Club reported:
"Checked with everyone around here and the only ones in anyones collection came out of the Bahamas and none had any from NC."
G. Thomas Watters, The Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity, reported two collection records:
"I have confirmed that I have Florida specimens from:
3714b, 0.6 m, on rocks, West Summerland Key, Monroe County, FL. GTWatters! 24 Aug. 1978
3714c, among oysters on mangrove hammock, Intracoastal Waterway, Indian Rocks Beach, Pinellas Co., FL. GTWatters! 16 Oct. 1971"