References for Marlo's shell presentations
As noted on the LTS portal page, one of the objectives of LTS is to serve as “a resource for (shell) related information.” Marlo, one of the administrators for LTS, emphasizes this objective by posting species images and comparisons of Florida shells. In his discussions he often refers to sources of information for shells found in Florida. For brevity, frequently, only the last names of the authors of these sources are mentioned. Here is the background on these sources.
Most Frequently Cited

1. Abbott (1974). When “Abbott” is cited the reference is to American Seashells, Second Edition, R. Tucker Abbott, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1974. It may also refer to Tucker’s A Guide to Field Identification – Seashells of North America, Golden Press, 1968. Despite classification and name changes that have occurred since these books were published, they remain among the most useful and comprehensive reference documents for shells found in Florida. Considering the lack of any of the automation support we take for granted today, Tucker’s American Seashells was a monumental achievement. I presume to refer to Dr. Abbott as “Tucker” as he was a fellow member of the Astronaut Trail Shell Club, a highly motivating reason for my interest in shells, and always a helpful friend.

2. Redfern (2001). Refers to Bahamian Seashells: A Thousand Species from Abaco, Bahamas, by Colin Redfern, 2001,, Inc: Boca Raton, Florida. As Harry Lee's book review in the American Conchologist indicated, this is "one of the best scholarly 'shell books' for any tropical marine area in the world." Colin’s treatments are well researched and reflect an astute talent for observation and accurate description. He has graciously reviewed several of Marlo’s presentations and provided comments and images. Click here for sample plates and ordering information. Colin regularly posts updates to species names in his book at his website.
3. Harry Lee (2009). Refers to Marine Shells of Northeast Florida. Jacksonville Shell Club, Inc. 204 pp. Conchologist Harry Lee is among the top experts in Florida shells. He is a long-time member of the Jacksonville Shell Club, scientific consultant for the superb website jaxshells, author of several Florida Mollusk checklists, frequent contributor to shell newsletters and publications, and has been a regularly sought after, expert shell show judge for over 25 years. Harry’s knowledge and literature research skills are renowned and his advice is highly regarded by professionals and laypersons alike. Since the early 90's Harry has generously examined Marlo’s shells, confirmed/corrected identifications, and reviewed, edited and volunteered information and comments for many of Marlo’s shell presentations on LTS.
4. Paula Mikkelsen (2008). Mikkelsen, Paula M. & Bieler, Rüdiger. 2008. Seashells of Southern Florida - Bivalves. Princeton University Press. 503 pp.
5. Hartmann (2006). Hartmann, Trish. 2006. Bivalve Seashells of Florida. Anadara Press: Tampa, FL. 183 pp.
6. Rehder (1981). Refers to The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashells, Harald A. Rehder, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1981.
7. Marlo's nomenclature for Florida shells generally followed the taxonomic classification, spelling and authority reflected in Malacolog, A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca, maintained by Dr. Gary Rosenberg, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA. Since the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) became active in 2008, Dr. Rosenberg no longer maintained Malacolog, but devoted his efforts to WoRMS. Marlo's nomenclature since about 2014 generally followed WoRMS. However, note that once posted, Marlo's presentations are not normally updated as names change. A search of WoRMS using Marlo's names will result in current classification and names.
Absalao, Ricardo S. and Pimenta, Alexandre D. 29 January 1999. Turbonilla (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae) species described by Katherine Jeannette Bush: Scanning Electron Microscope Studies of the Type Material in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 149: 77-91.
Bandel, K. & Kadolsky, D. 1982. Western Atlantic species of Nodilittorina (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia): comparative morphology and its functional, ecological, phylogenetic and taxonomic implications. The Veliger 25(1) 1982:1-42.
Bush, Katherine Jeanette. 1899. Descriptions of New Species of Turbonilla of the Western Atlantic Fauna, With Notes On Those Previously Known. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, page 165.
Clench, William J. and Turner, Ruth D. 1950. The Western Atlantic Marine Mollusks Described By C. B. Adams. Occasional Papers On Mollusks 1(15):233-403.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. Phylogeny of the Crepidula plana (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) Cryptic species complex in North America, Can. J. Zool., Vol. 78.
Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertibrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks, 2nd Ed., 1998, American Fisheries Society Special Publication 26, Bethesda, Maryland.
de Jong, K. M. and Coomans, H. E. 1988. Marine Gastropods from Curacao, Aruba and Bonaire.
Gundersen, Ross W. The Seashells of Sanibel and Captiva Islands. TMS Inc., Racine, WI.
Henning, T. and Hemmen, J. 1993. Ranellidae of the World. Wiesbaden:Hemmen.
Kaicher, Sally D. 1973-1992. The Card Catalog of World-wide Shells. Published privately.
Lee, Harry G. December 1998. Western Atlantic Nassariidae. American Conchologist, 26 (4): 18-20.
Lipe, Robert. Marginellas. The Shell Store, 440 75th Ave., St. Petersburg Beach, FL 33706. ISBN 0-9637681-0-7
Lyons, William G. November 1989. Nearshore Marine Ecology at Hutchinson Island, Florida: 1971-1974, XI. Mollusks. Florida Marine Research Institute, No. 47.
Mikkelsen, Paul S. and Mikkelsen, Paula M. October 5, 1984. Comparison of Acteocina canaliculata (Say, 1826), A. candei (d’Orbigny, 1841), and A. atrata spec. nov. (Gastropoda: Cephalaspidea). The Veliger, 27(2): 164-192.
Mikkelsen, Paula M., Mikkelsen, Paul S. and Larlen, David J. 1995. Molluscan Biodiversity In The Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science, 57(1): 94-127.
Radwin, George E. April 1977. The Family Columbellidae in the Western Atlantic. The Veliger 19(4): 403-417.
Descriptions for Columbella mercatoria, C. rusticoides, Nitidella nitida, Zafrona idalina, Z. pulchella and others.
Radwin, George E. April 1978. The Family Columbellidae in the Western Atlantic Part IIa. – The Pyreninae. The Veliger, 20(2): 119-133.
Descriptions for Costoanachis avara, catenata, floridana (sertulariarum), lafresnayi, hotessieriana, scutulata, semiplicata, sertulariarum (floridana), sparsa, Parvanachis obesa, Parvanachis ostreicola and others.
Radwin, George E. October 1978. The Family Columbellidae in the Western Atlantic Part IIb. – The Pyreninae (Continued). The Veliger, 20(4): 328-344.
Descriptions for Mitrella dichroa, M. ocellata, Suturoglypta iontha, S. pretri, Aesopus stearnsi, several Conella, and others.
Reid, D. G. 2002. [/B]Morphological review and phylogenetic analysis of Nodilittorina Gastropoda: Littorinidae)[/B]. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68, 259-281.
Reid, D. G., Williams, S. T. and Littlewood, D. T. J. 2003. A molecular phylogeny of the Littorininae (Gastropoda: Littorinidae): unequal evolutionary rates, morphological parallelism, and biogeography of the Southern Ocean, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28: 60-86.
Reid, D.G., 2009. The genus Echinolittorina Habe, 1956 (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) in the western Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa 2184: 1-103. Aug. 6.
Rolán, E. and Espinosa, J. January, 1992. La Familia Cerithiopsidae H. Y A. Adams, 1853 (Mollusca, Gastropoda), En La Isla De Cuba. 1 El Gernero Retilaskeya Marshall, 1978. Publ. Ocas. Soc. Port. Malac., 16: 39-44.
Rolán, E. and Espinosa, J. 1995. The family Cerithiopsidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Cuba 3. The genus Cerithiopsis s. l., species with brown shells. IBERUS, 13(2): 129-147.
Rolán, E. and Fernández-Garcés, Raul. April, 1995. The family Triphoridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Cuba 5. The genera Marshallora, Mesophora, Similiphora, Eutriphora, Latitriphora, Aclophora and other species without generic affiliation., APEX 10(1): 9-24.
Rolán, E. and Fernández-Garcés, Raul. April, 1994. The family Triphoridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Cuba 4. The genera Monophorus, Nototriphora, Cosmotriphora and Cheirodonta, with the description of three new species. APEX 9(1): 17-27.
Rolán, E. and Fernández-Garcés, Raul. 1992. Lamarck Famiglia Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) en la Isla de Cuba 1: El Genero Metaxia Monterosato, 1884. Boll. Malacologico, 28, (5-12), 169-176, 20-12.
Roopnarine, Peter D. and Vermeij, Geerat J. 2000. One Species Becomes Two: The Case of Chione Cancellata, The Resurrectioned C. Elevata, and a Phylogenetic Analysis of Chione. J. Moll. Stud., 66, 517-534.
Sowerby III, G. B. 1915. New species of Mollusca. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, XVI: 165 and Plate X, Fig. 6.
Warmke, Germaine L. and Abbott, R. Tucker. 1961. Caribbean Seashells. Livingston Publishing Company, Narberth, Pennsylvania.
Wise. John B. 1996. Morphology and Phylogenetic Relationships of Certain Pyramidellid Taxa (Heterobranchia). Malacologia, 37(2): 443-511.
4. Hartmann (2006). Hartmann, Trish. 2006. Bivalve Seashells of Florida. Anadara Press: Tampa, FL. 183 pp.
5. Paula Mikkelsen (2008). Mikkelsen, Paula M. & Bieler, Rüdiger. 2008. Seashells of Southern Florida - Bivalves. Princeton University Press. 503 pp.