Posted: Nov 28 2010
Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), Asian Green Mussel

11/28/10 I posted on Conch-L:
"We’ve all read a bit about the introduction of P. viridis in west Florida in 1999 and NE Florida in 2002. Many of us have been sort of tracking its rapid spread. Based upon the data I’ve found, it’s just about everywhere now. However, I could not find records south of Palm Beach Inlet and as of publication in 2008, Mikkelsen’s and Bieler’s Seashells of Southern Florida reported that it was not found in the Keys. I would like to hear from others who have first-hand knowledge of live specimens south of Palm Beach Inlet or in the Keys."
Andy Borgia of Key West reported:
"I found one last year at the 951 bridge going over to Marco Island while looking for Florida cones. But I've never found it in the Keys yet."
And, a most interesting email was received from Bill Frank of
"As we all know the Perna were a flash in the pan and they are apparently gone from northeast Florida. Even the researchers looking to do studies of them can't find any to study."
Marlo's comment: I've found P. viridis at Port Canaveral as recently as last month and in the past year at Sebastian and Ft. Pierce Inlets.
3/4/18, Rusty:
Hadn't seen this at treasure coast at all. They are often served at Asian buffet restaurants along with japanese little neck clams.