Posted: Jan 7 2012
Polymesoda caroliniana (Bosc, 1801), Carolina Marshclam

1/7/12 I posted on Conch-L:
"I found one report of P. caroliniana for Alabama, but none for the Florida panhandle or south of Duval County on Florida’s east coast. Can anyone report first-hand knowledge of this shell from these locations?"
Steve Rosenthal commented:
"... both Markus Huber and I independently found this species in Alabama as well while attending COA there a few years back. My other specimens are from when I lived in NC."
Regarding occurence in the Florida panhandle, Harry Lee reported:
"... a R valve from the Steinhatchee R. just upstream of Steinhatchee, Taylor Co., FL has a width of 52.4 mm and a height of only 48.9 mm (H.G. Lee Collection)."
Jim Brunner of Panama City in the panhandle reported:
"This is a fairly common find in the waters of North Bay in Bay County. They don't usually look as nice as the specimens you show...much more erosion of the umbone area."