Posted: Nov 25 2012
Conus daucus Hwass, 1792, Carrot Cone

11/25/12 Posted on Conch-L:
"Would like to hear from those with first-hand collecting records for C. daucus in the Keys ...."
Greg Curry Sr.: "I have collected ... Conus daucus ... at Eastern Dry Rocks
near Sand Key (Lower Florida Keys)."
Peggy Williams: "I'm no expert on cones, but I have shells of daucus from:
Eastern Sambo, FL Keys, 5'
Marathon, Keys,70'
Boynton Beach 60'
W Palm Beach 60'
Ken Piech: "I have found live Conus daucus in the Keys, in relatively shallow water from the Sanbo reefs, off Boca Chica Key and in 30-80 feet at Big Pine Shoals."
John K. Tucker, author of the soon to be published The Cone Shells of Florida reports from his data files nine C. daucus from Florida east coast waters, including two from Boca Raton (28.6, 28.7 mm), one from Boyton Beach (33.4 mm), one from Deerfield Beach (24.6 mm), two from Port Canaveral (45.2 and 48.8 mm) and three from "Florida" ( 25.1, 28.6, 13.2 mm).