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Posted: Nov 25 2012
Conus granulatus Linnaeus, 1758, Glory-of-the-Atlantic Cone





11/25/12 Posted on Conch-L:
"Would like to hear from those with first-hand collecting records for ... C. granulatus anywhere in Florida waters."
Jim Cordy: "I have Conus granulatus Self collected by SCUBA diving off Del Rey Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida."
John K. Tucker, author of the soon to be published The Cone Shells of Florida reports from his data files eight C. granulatus from Florida east coast waters, including two from Boca Raton (26.1, 22.5 mm), one from Palm Beach (32.2 mm), one from South Florida (59.5 mm), three from Pompano Beach (30.4, 32.7, 34.5 mm), and one from "Florida" (32.2 mm).
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