Posted: Dec 22 2009
Costoanachis translirata (Ravenel, 1861), Well-ribbed Dove Shell
8/29/16: At the time I prepared this presentation I was unaware of a paper addressing the status of C. translirata and C. lafresnayi. Radwin (1977) presented C. lafresnayi and synonymized C. translirata. In 2005 Monsecour, K. and Monsecour, D., established that C. lafresnayi was indeed a valid taxon restricted to its type locality of Guadeloupe and that C. translirata was a separate taxon common in Florida waters. Most post-2005 publications and online databases recognize both taxa as valid.
Monsecour, K. and Monsecour, D. September 2005. On the status of Columbella lafresnayi Fisher & Bernardi, 1856 and Columbella translirata Ravenel, 1861 (Gastropoda: Columbellidae). Novapex. 6(3): 73-77. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/423681...ge/147/mode/1up
Radwin, George E. April 1978. The Family Columbellidae in the Western Atlantic Part IIa. – The Pyreninae. The Veliger 20(2): 119-133. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/13...ge/169/mode/1up
See also C. lafresnayi.

2/20/10 After I expanded the presentation to include material provided by Steve Rosenthal and Harry Lee, on 1/4/10 I posted the following request on Conch-L:
"The presentation of Costoanachis translirata (Ravenel, 1861) has been expanded presenting shells from the north Atlantic and NE Florida. Harry has suggested that the Gulf of Mexico version of this shell differs significantly. However, I have no shells from the GOM and would like to hear from those who have some to share, loan or sell."
I heard only from Harry. Here is a presentation of Harry's GOM material.

[Note: for avara and translirata, see "Redescriptions of Anachis avara and Anachis translirata ..." Scheltema (1968)]