Posted: Mar 20 2007
Eulithidium pterocladicum (Robertson, 1958), Florida Pheasant Shells
Abbott includes several Eulithidium. However, the
distribution data for several has become obsolete as
well as Abbott’s commonality comments.
Abbott presents E. pterocladicum as a subspecies of
Eulithidium affine (C. B. Adams, 1850). As Harry Lee has
pointed out, this is consistent with Robertson's original
name Tricolia affinis pterocladica [see Robertson, R., 1958.
The family Phasianellidae in the Western Atlantic.
Johnsonia 3: 245-283. May 8; specifically, 264-265; pl. 144,
fig. 3, pl. 145, fig. 3]. Abbott indicates E. pterocladicum
occurs in NW and SE Florida, and as “Uncommon.” I have
found E. pterocladicum to be the most common Eulithidium
along Florida’s eastern coast from Brevard County south
to the Florida Keys and at Cape Romano in Collier County
at the SW tip of Florida. Harry Lee reports that it is not
found in Florida's three most NE counties. I have also
found it at Tarpon Springs in Pinellas County on Florida’s
west coast, but nowhere in between Cape Romano and
Tarpon Springs.
Abbott distinguishes E. pterocladicum as being brown with
white spiral lines descending from the suture at an angle
of 45 degrees. The operculum is tinged with brown at the
margin and the umbilicus is chinklike. The adjacent
specimens (3.3 mm and 2.8 mm) from Jupiter Sound, Palm
beach County, exactly reflect this description. The spiral lines
(often zigzagged) at an angle of 45 degrees and the absence
of dots or dashes are a main distinguishing character.
I have found the coloration of E. pterocladicum to
be quite variable, including reds, greens and
often specimens with bright white splotches and
lines. Here's a red color form from Jupiter Sound,
Palm Beach County. 2.1 mm
Here's another red from Jupiter Sound, Palm Beach County, FL. 3 mm