Posted: Apr 13 2007
Japonactaeon punctostriatus (C. B. Adams, 1840), Pitted Baby Bubble
Previously Rictaxis punctostriatus (C. B. Adams, 1840)
R. punctostriatus is widely distributed on both sides
of Florida. However, I have not found it in the Florida
Keys. In my experience its habitat is among soft
bottoms, often very muddy, with at least some grass
(although I did once collect it live in a mucky area devoid
of grasses where I sunk up to my knees). When found
dead, R. punctostriatus is a translucent white and has
delicate spiral lines around the body whorl and just
above the teleoconch sutures. While very noticeable in
dead-collected shells, these spirals are barely visible in
live-collected shells as the adjacent photos illustrate. As
Redfern describes, these spirals include “small square
or rectangular pits.”
This specimen is from Jupiter Sound, Palm Beach County, Florida. 3.5 mm Photos by Marlo Krisberg

This specimen from East side Indian River, 4 miles south Ft. Pierce Inlet (Middle Cove), St. Lucie County, FL. Photo is of a live shell. Photos by Marlo Krisberg
11/8/15 Harry Lee:
Unsettled generic placement notwithstanding, our C.B. Adams species appears to have existed in the late Pliocene of Sarasota, FL (SMR 10).
This fossil specimen was identified as Acteon punctostriatus by Dr. Carlo Cunha, late of the ANSP. It seems that the posteriormost rows of spirally-disposed rectangular pits don't show up very well with conventional (optical) imaging.