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Posted: Apr 3 2007

 Longchaeus suturalis H. C. Lea, 1843  Crinkled Pyram           Formerly Longchaeus crenulatus (Holmes, 1860)

Longchaeus suturalis is a common species found on both sides of Florida and in the Florida Keys. Abbott describes it as elongate-conic, flat-sided, glossy tan to pink, but frequently with eroded spots. Suture horizontally channeled and crenulated. Sometimes the body whorl has 2-3 spiral 

lines. I would only add that L. suturalis is   

often a translucent grey-white.


Exposed sand flats at Cedar Key, Levy County, Florida. Leg. & photo by Marlo Krisberg. 10 mm

Here's one from the same locale with live animal.

Among grass and sand, Mosquito Lagoon, Brevard County, Florida. Leg. & photo by Marlo Krisberg. 9 mm

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