Posted: Jun 7 2013
Strigilla surinamensis Boss, 1972, Surinam Strigilla

Posted: Jun 9 2013, Harry Lee:
Thanks, Marlo,
Great job. This is pretty much cutting edge.
To my knowledge, this species was not reported from FL until Lee (2009: 40). Described from Surinam (natch), Abbott (1974) added Alabama to its range. Your other records, vetted by me, have been posted at the Jax site: LA, Panhandle, and NC for some time.
What's the difference between this and strigilla mirabilis?
Marlo provided an answer to your question in slide 2 (see above), and Huber (2015: 701) wrote:
"As noted by Lee (2009: 39) S. (Simplistrigilla) surinamensis lives also in Florida and was shore collected by the senior author in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Moreover, Lee (pers. com. 12/13) indicated that in NE. Florida and further north, e.g. North Carolina, Shackleford Island, Fort Fisher only this species was ever collected, never Strigilla (Pisostrigilla) mirabilis (Philippi 1841). The latter species lives only in southern Florida (e.g. Mikkelsen & Bieler, 2007: 327) and is numerously present in Coll. auctt. from the Florida Keys. The preoccupied Tellina flexuosa Say, 1822 non Montagu, 1803 from the "southern coast" is in posterior zigzag-sculpture, suborbicular and inequilateral shape, and white colors undoubtedly the same as S. (P.) mirabilis, not S. (S.)surinamensis. Say's specimen may have originated from the Florida Keys, or even from the West Indies. Thus, in Florida both Strigilla live, but reliably only S. (S.) surinamensis in the northern part, extending to N.C."
This species, customarily misidentified by authors, is not uncommon in the Plio-Pleistocene Nashua Formation (Kittle et al., 2013: 16-17; pl. 6, figures 1 and 2).
Huber, M., 2015. Compendium of Bivalves 2. A Full-Color Guide to the Remaining Seven Families. A Systematic Listing of 8'500 Bivalve Species and 10'500 Synonyms. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 907 pp., incl. numerous color figs + CD-ROM. May.
Kittle, B.A, R.W. Portell, H.G. Lee, and S.W. Roberts, 2013. Mollusca Nashua Formation (Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene) Florida Fossil Invertebrates 15: [1]-40. December.
Lee, H.G., 2009. Marine Shells of Northeast Florida. Jacksonville Shell Club, Inc. 204 pp. + 19 color plates. 28 May.