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Posted: Oct 27 2016
Pusula costispunctata (G.B. Sowerby II, 1870) and
Pusula pediculus (Linnaeus, 1758), Coffee Bean Trivia
This presentation is long and includes 2 galleries. Be sure to scroll down to view gallery 2.
Gallery 1

Rev pediculus 1

Rev pediculus 2

P_ pediculus 3

P_ pediculus 4

P_ pediculus 5

P_ pediculus 6

P_ pediculus 7

P_ pediculus 8

P_ pediculus 9

P_ pediculus 10

P_ pediculus 11

P_ pediculus 12

P_ pediculus 13

P_ pediculus 14

P_ pediculus 15

P_ pediculus 16
Gallery 2

P_ pediculus 17

P_ pediculus 18

P_ pediculus 19

P_ pediculus 20

P_ pediculus 21

P_ pediculus 22

P_ pediculus 23

P_ pediculus 24
CLICK HERE for many more photos P. costispunctata
CLICK HERE for many more photos P. pediculus

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