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Posted: Oct 5 2007

Turbonilla - Identification of Florida Species

I've been working on and off with Turbonilla since the early 1990's when I found my first one. Like so many Pyramidellidae, these are tiny shells mostly under 10 mm in size, difficult to see clearly, and very difficult to photograph since they are such proportionally extended shells and their distinguishing characters are often in the 1-2 mm range. Since the early days of LTS I've had in the back of my mind the idea of trying to address the Turbonilla since there is virtually no "popular" treatment of this group available since Abbott's American Seashells 33 years ago. My focus is Turbonilla in Florida. In this discussion I'm going to attempt to address several species using photographs to illustrate characters. However, the best illustrations for characters at these small sizes have been accomplished with scaning electron microscopes and the journal articles in the past 15-20 years addressing Turbonilla would be the best sources of optimal illustrations. In particular, a fine resouce is Turbonilla (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae) species described by Katherine Jeannette Bush: Scanning Electron Microscope Studies of the Type Material in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Ricardo S. Absalao and Alexandre D. Pimenta, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 149: 77-91, 29 January 1999. I also consider it essential that I acknowledge that little of my understanding of Turbonilla would have been possible with out the many years of assistance and guidance from Harry Lee.

11/8/17:  Malacolog is no longer maintained.  Most workers today utilize the World Record of Marine Species (                 ).  CLICK HERE for WoRMS search engine.

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