Posted: Apr 24 2012
Bulla solida Gmelin, 1791, Solid Bubble Shell

Posted: Apr 26 2012 on LTS Forum by bullas1:
Marlo-here's one I've had several years.
Bulla solida
trawled at 60/120 feet of water on muddy bottom.
Dry Tortugas,Florida.1979
Posted: Apr 28 2012 on LTS Forum by Emilio Garcia:
"I have not collected Bulla (solida) in the Gulf of Mexico,
but I have a specimen dredged by Frank Frumar south
of Dry Tortugas (see photo). Frank is a well- known
collector for his deep- water dredgings off Key West and
... he is completely reliable. He has collected a number
of specimens ... from the same locality."
Additional comments:
4/26/12 Harry Lee reported:
"Clearly Bulla solida is submerged in the northern part of its range, which probably doesn't reach far into the Gulf of Mexico. I have one from 'off Key West, dredged in 50 m by Jim Phelps, ex Jerry Bijur.'
Since it has a conspicuous and relatively easy-to-identify shell, its absence from well-collected more northerly waters is probably not artifactual..."