Posted: Jun 24 2023
Cittarium pica (Linnaeus, 1858); West Indian Top-shell

Some related links:
Robertson, R. Sep 2004. Re-Searching A Non-Whelk: Cittarium pica. Conchologists of America. Vol. 32, No.3. Pg. 26.
On Jun 24th I posted notice of this presentation on Conch-L and said:
"Phil’s C. pica are the only live collected/documented specimens from Florida that I’ve been able to confirm. Would be happy to hear from others having collected/observed (and photographed) C. pica in Florida." Below are the responses.
Jun 24: José H. Leal: "The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum collection (BMSM) includes two lots from Key Largo. And in 2020, in an article published in The Nautilus*, Anton Oleinik (FAU, Boca Raton) and collaborators registered the presence of a "living population" of the species in Marathon, Florida Keys. [Oleinik, A. E., A. B. Modys, A. M. Tetu. 2020. Cittarium pica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Trochoidea: Tegulidae) in southeastern Florida. The Nautilus 134(1): 36-44.)]"
Jun 26: Andy Borgia: