Posted: Jan 12 2010
Cerithiopsis gemmulosa (C. B. Adams, 1850) Gem Miniature Cerith

SEM photos from: Rolán, E., Lee H., Krisberg, M. & Fernández-Garcés, R. 2012. The Protoconch and Early Teleoconch Whorls of the Brownish Cerithiopsis (Mollusca, Cerithiopsidae) in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. Xenophora 139:11-16.
The following three images are of a specimen from Port Canaveral, Brevard Co., FL, that Harry and I both consider to be C. gemulosa, even though protoconch is of 4 whorls. From underside jetty rock. Sorry, size record lost.

This group image is of shells collected off the black sponge (Hymeniocidon heliophila), Mosquito Lagoon at Haulover Canal, Brevard County, FL (about 4-7 mm.) | Digital image by Marlo Krisberg.
Collection data
Mosquito Lagoon, Brevard County
Pt. Canaveral Inlet, Brevard County
Banana River Lagoon, Brevard County
Sebastian Inlet, Brevard County
Palm Beach Inlet, Palm Beach County
Florida Keys, Monroe County
New Pass, Sarasota, Sarasota County
Tampa Bay, Pinellas County
Tarpon Springs, Pinellas County
Harry Lee:
Brevard, Dade, Pasco and Levy Counties
The following comments are from The family Cerithiopsidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Cuba 3. The genus Cerithiopsis s. l., species with brown shells, Emilio Rolán and Jose Espinosa, IBERUS, 13(2): 129-147, 1995, reproduced here with permission of the author.