Collectors : Phil Liff-Grieff (visiting from La Crescenta, CA) and Marlo (home territory)
April 28, 2013
We had only one day, but managed to collect two locales (Port Canaveral and the Banana River Lagoon at SR520, Brevard Co., FL.). A major objective was to collect numerous micros to serve as photo subjects for Phil's Dino-Lite Basic (AM2011). The following slides and photos present the collectors and some of the material collected. Part of what we're doing here is comparing the photo results of Phil's equipment and Marlo's for comparison. We hope (esp. me) we'll find that the digital microscope Phil is using will produce comparable or superior photos. Unless noted otherwise, Marlo's photos are taken with a Canon PowerShot A620 (no flash) and are limited to material from Port Canaveral. Phil has our combined take from the Banana River.
The shell photos are posted in no particular order, simply as we sorted through the material and came across good photo subjects.

5/18/13, Harry Lee:
There are two species illustrated in your
Fargoa bushiana composite. Aside from
differences in overall profile and sculpture,
the hyperstrophic protoconchs differ in axis
(-120 vs. -180 degrees). They are represented
in Lee (2009) as species nos. 671 and 681.
Lee, H.G., 2009. Marine Shells of Northeast
Florida. Jacksonville Shell Club, Inc. 204 pp.
+ 19 color plates. 28 May.
Marlo: OK, here is the photo with the shells
numbered. Which are which?
671: 1, 4. 9.
681: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8.
It appears that all figured shells are adult.